Our Father in heaven, what a wonderful day You have given us! Thank You for the rising sun every morning bringing light and warmth, reminding us of Your praises in the heavens. Thank You for watching over us throughout the night.
Thank You for reminding us of Your presence and power in the midst of sickness and storm. Your word comforts us in the midst of danger, disasters, and uncertainties.
The heavens declare Your glory and the whole earth is full of it. Like Isaiah, we recognized that we are unworthy to stand before Your throne for we are men of unclean lips and deceitful hearts by nature.
But Father, You have revealed Yourself to us in Your word as our merciful God. We who did not seek You have found You, all because of Your unfailing love. We were such a stubborn people who walked in darkness and unrighteousness; people who were continually provoking Your anger because of our sins and transgressions.
We were objects of Your wrath; people who were in deep bondage to our sins, following the ways of this world, gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature.
But because of Your great love You made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in trespasses. You raised us up with Him. You also seated us with Him in the heavenly places in order that in the coming age You might show the incomparable riches of Your grace expressed in Your kindness to us in Christ.
We thank You that by Your grace You have saved us from Your wrath. We thank You that in Your mercy You have given us access to Your throne of grace that we might find help in tines of need.
So we come boldly before You with nothing in ourselves to boast about. It’s all by Your grace; it’s all because of Your amazing grace that You’ve saved us and made us Your children.
Thank You for sending Your Son to suffer and die for us; that through His perfect life, His sacrificial death and His glorious resurrection our salvation has been secured. Thank You that by the power of Your Holy Spirit, You impart to us all the blessings that Christ has achieved for us through faith.
Thank You also that in the newness of our life in Christ we can walk in faith and obedience to Your Word by the power of Your Spirit. We want to persevere in the faith as we live in this broken world. We acknowledge that apart from Your enabling grace we cannot keep Your Word, or subdue our old sinful nature or endure the attacks of the world and the evil one.
So please help us to actively pursue holiness and righteousness in everything we do, doing good works at all times, resisting the works of the flesh and the evil one in our lives.
You know, our heavenly Father, how we easily succumb to sin and temptation. We are prone to give in to the desires of our flesh.
O save us, Father, from this mire. Empower us to put off the works of the flesh and to put on the new self in Christ, who is the image of God.
Help us to focus our mind on the things above, the heavenly things which You have prepared for us in Christ, and not on the things in this world that are temporary and fleeting.
Remind us always that when we seek Your kingdom and Your righteousness first, You are going to provide everything we need in this life. Forgive us for sometimes we worry about many things: What shall we eat? What shall we wear? What will happen to us in the future? Who will take care of our children? Where will we get the money when we're sick?
But thank You for assuring us that all You’ve said in Your Word are “Yes” and “Amen” in Christ. In Him and through Him we have everything necessary for life and godliness.
Please be with those who are ill and afflicted and grieving today. Strengthen and heal them in their sickness. Comfort those who are facing great trials in life. Provide for those who are in need.
Be with our brothers and sisters who are infected by this coronavirus and are affected by the lockdown. Grant them the hope that in all their loss and suffering they may find their true treasure and satisfaction in You, our great God and gracious Redeemer.
Father, we pray even as we seek to offer our whole being to You in humble and grateful service, that You would transform our minds and our hearts to conform not to the pattern of this world but to the likeness of Your Son Jesus Christ. He is our life, our righteousness, holiness, and redemption. In Him and through Him we fix our hope in You alone to complete the work of salvation which You’ve started in us.
Kindle our hearts to spiritual zeal and fervor in serving You. Teach us to be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer, and thankful at all times.
Bless us Your people abundantly and cause us to share freely and cheerfully. All these things we ask in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.