Can I claim to be a Christian,
and love not to read His Word?
Do I not esteem the Son of Man,
That I neglect to know my Lord?
Can I claim to be God’s child,
And desire not to pray?
Before the Throne of grace should abide,
Choosing rather, with the world, to play?
Can I confess myself wholly His,
When on this earth I chase vanities?
Would I really exchange the Lord's bliss,
To gain the world’s dung and cruelties?
Can I claim to be born again by God
And hate my brother and sister?
Brethren whom the Lord bought with blood,
Can I despise them and commit murder?
Can I claim to be saved by grace,
And yet withhold the same mercy shown?
Allowing pride and envy a place,
Or even neglect the Gospel to be sown?
O, His goodness and His grace,
To my sin I'm worn and resent!
O, the beauty of my Savior's face,
To my sin I mourn and repent!
Edited by:
Bro. Joshua Eliaquim Ramos