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Writer's pictureVic Bernales

Worship Gathering

No doubt. Worship is the highest service man can render his Creator. Man was created to worship the one true God. When God's worth and honor is fully enjoyed and prized by true worshipers, God also grants the greatest satisfaction to those who truly worship Him.

And who are the true worshipers of the triune God? They are the ones who worship Him in spirit and in truth, "for God is seeking such people to worship him" (cf. John 4:23-24). They worship the Lord according to His instruction in His Word. They glorify Him not by their might or strength but by the power of the Spirit in the name of Jesus and only through Jesus.

True worshipers of God are conscious that the God they love and adore is the Holy One whom they cannot trifle with. Thus, as the author to the Hebrews says, they "worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our 'God is a consuming fire'” (Heb. 11:28).

True worshipers are the ones who, by the grace of God, trust in Jesus as the Savior and Lord of their lives. They confess with their mouth and believe in their hearts that Christ is their Master, the Messiah who came from heaven.

True worshipers understand that Christ Jesus was sent by the Father and was filled by the Holy Spirit to save sinners, Jews or non-Jews, from sin and condemnation by His sacrificial death. In Christ they have found true wisdom, the greatest treasure they could ever find in this world and the next.

One New Testament scholar has related the close connection between the gospel and true worship. He writes, "People often quote Oscar Wilde's dictum, that a cynic knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. We live in an age of cynics, where 'worth' means 'price' and 'price' means money and money means power."

"But the gospel of Jesus Christ puts worth back into the world," he continues, "worth beyond price, worth beyond worldly power; for the gospel of Jesus Christ summons us to worship, to worthship, to lay our lives before the one true and living God, to worship him for all he's worth."

He then adds, "Give this great and loving God the honour, the worship, the love, due him; celebrate the goodness, the worth, the true value, of the created order, as his gift, his handiwork; and allow that celebration to lift your eyes once more to God himself, to his glory and beauty...Worship is what we were made for. Worship is what buildings like churches and cathedrals were made for. If we get this right, we will go to our tasks of mission and management in the right spirit for the right reason. Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness; let the whole earth stand in awe of him" (N. T. Wright, "For All God's Worth: True Worship and the Calling of the Church" [Eerdmans, 1997], 13).

To become part of the worship of God, especially in its public and corporate expression, is a great privilege. A redeemed child of God could not afford to skip such precious assembly. He would not want to miss every occasion, every opportunity to gather before the throne of his Sovereign Lord and Father together with the other redeemed children of God.

Jesus came from the Father's side and was filled by the Holy Spirit to bring us, sinners, near the throne of God. He reconciled us back to God and mediates our approach to God in worship making our prayers, singing, and sacrifices of praise and offering of thanksgiving acceptable to God in His name.

True worshipers of the living God leave the worship place more blessed by the triune God than ever. They go out with joy, renewed by the Word of Christ, filled by the Spirit, and equipped by their heavenly Father. From the assembly of God's people they return to their respective homes and workplaces to live a life of holiness and obedience loving God by doing His will and serving Him by serving others.


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